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You may be entitled to compensation. Finding out if you are eligible for a large settlement for these issues is 100% FREE, fast and easy.
You may be entitled to compensation. Finding out if you are eligible for a large settlement for these issues is 100% FREE, fast and easy
They found that about one-quarter of patients with significant exposure to Elmiron showed definite signs of eye damage, and that this medication toxicity could masquerade as other known retinal conditions, such as age-related macular degeneration or pattern dystrophy.
Personal Injury Law practice handles a variety of unique and complex personal injury cases.
A mass tort is a civil action involving numerous plaintiffs against one or a few defendants in state or federal court
Annually, over 5 million car mishaps are recorded in the U.S. & above 98,000 people suffer medical malpractices causing the rise in Personal Injury Lawsuits. Get our top-notch Medical-Legal Services
Our proficient team of attorneys, medical doctors, and paralegals are skilled in offering end-to-end Mass Tort Case screening by delivering a crisp Medical Record Review with 24x7 tech-support
Did you or a loved one have a Hernia Mesh implant?
Used Jhonson&Jhonson and have been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer?